Katrin Mader

Lives in Seukendorf
Visited countries
Hey there, I'm Katrin - but I hate the name 😄 and prefer to go by Blue or Kaddi. I am 32 years old, live near Nuremberg in Germany, but I am on the road most of the time - I always need to discover something new, love visiting friends and I am never in one place for long. I studied design with focus on film and worked as project manager in the industry. Besides film, my second biggest passion is of course: traveling. I have had the privilege to explore a lot of countries already. In addition to Germany I have lived in Canada, Australia and Denmark. I love to travel in the winter months to escape the cold in Germany. For me it can never be too hot. My happy place is near water - preferably on the water or under water. Would you also like to get out of your comfort zone and explore the most beautiful places in the world together with a great group? Let's go! ♥