The adventure of your dreams, at the best price guaranteed until the 30th of September!

Itinerary - Colombia 360° Collection

day 1

Welcome to Colombia!

Check in: our trip starts in Bogota

Air flights to/from Italy are not included in the package, so you can decide which airport to leave from, at what time and with the airline you prefer... This is to give you maximum freedom of choice.

Check in to your hotel and after meeting the rest of the group we will take a walk through La Candelaria , the cultural heart of the city - colonial buildings and lively nightlife await us! But tonight is about making friends and what better way to get to know each other than by gathering around the table? And we also know the place: Andres DC is an institution here in Bogota so let's have a drink and toast to the beginning of this adventure of ours.

Accommodation: Bioxury or similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast

Not included: airport transfer, meals and drinks

day 2

Medellin and the Comuna 13

The city of eternal spring

This morning we leave immediately because our destination is a very special place . After the short flight from Bogota, we will land in Medellin , the city of eternal spring. Situated in a narrow valley, Medellin has an infectious energy that you feel the moment you set foot on its streets. It is a city with a great reputation and an "inconvenient" past: this is the place from which Pablo Escobar launched his drug trafficking empire. But while 25 years ago it was one of the most dangerous cities in the world, it is now an innovative and inviting metropolis, full of beautiful parks and warm, welcoming people. We will learn about the transformation of Medellin by taking a tour of La Comuna 13 . This mountainside neighborhood was once the epicenter of drug cartel violence. But in recent decades, numerous community projects, including an ingenious series of outdoor escalators, have helped transform this poor neighborhood into one of the liveliest and most exciting parts of the city. We'll ride escalators, admire street art, and learn about Medellin's past and present with the help of a local guide.

Accommodation: Hotel Quinta Ladera, Faranda Collection or similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast, internal flight Bogota - Medellin, transfer, tour of La Comuna 13 with local guide

Not included: meals and drinks

day 3

Antioquia and the Colombian coffee plantations

Among the coffee plantations

Today we will leave the city to take a break: yes, you guessed it, it's coffee time! We will enjoy a scenic drive through the beautiful landscapes of Antioquia to reach a locally owned traditional coffee plantation . Here a farmer and his family produce their own brand of coffee and we will have the opportunity to observe the entire coffee preparation process from plant to cup . We will walk through the fields learning more about growing and harvesting coffee beans before seeing a demonstration of the best way to prepare it. Notebooks ready...

After a traditional lunch in the countryside , we will make a stop in Santa Fe de Antioquia , one of the oldest colonial cities in Latin America. Back in Medellin, we will have a free evening to walk around the city and taste some good street food. We're talking delicacies like cheese-filled buñuelos and chicken pastel with a side of homemade ají hot sauce. Yes please!

Accommodation: Hotel Quinta Ladera, Faranda Collection or similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast, lunch, excursion to the coffee plantation and visit to Santa Fe de Antioquia

Not included: meals and drinks

day 4

Let's explore Medellin

Guatapé and Rock Stone

Today we will take a day trip to Guatape , a nearby town known as the most colorful city in all of Colombia, where we can soak up the relaxed atmosphere before moving on to the famous El Peñón de Guatapé . This granite monolith is a national monument and, with a climb of 659 steps required to reach the summit, the views of the sprawling lake and endless expanse of green mountains are spectacular.

For the evening we are in Medellin and we can experience a bit of its nightlife first hand. Let's Dance?

Accommodation: Hotel Quinta Ladera, Faranda Collection or similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast, entrance and visit to Guatape and Piedra del Peñól with private transport

Money pot: any excursions

Not included: meals and drinks

day 5

We reach the Caribbean: towards Cartagena

Finally sea!

After breakfast we say goodbye to Medellin and take a flight to Cartagena , on the Caribbean coast of Colombia . After a short transfer we reach our base for the next three days. They have been busy days and in the next few we will have plenty of time to enjoy the sea with excursions of all kinds, so today is a day to take things slowly. So what to do? Catch some sun, finally read a few pages of that book you've been carrying around for days or sip a cocktail by the pool. Either way, we'll relax and enjoy our surroundings - we've earned it!

Accommodation: Sofitel Legend Santa Clara, Osh Hotel Getsemani similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast, internal flight from Medellin to Cartagena and all transfers

Not included: meals and drinks

days 6, 7

Two days between Cartagena and Isla Rosario

Cartagena de Indias: two steps to Getsemani

Cartegena is a place where you have to feel as much as see, so to immerse ourselves in its unique atmosphere on this first day we will take a walk through the historic center with its labyrinth of cobbled streets, impressive churches and surprisingly colorful houses. We also have a guided tour of Getsemani , the coolest neighborhood in Cartagena, full of trendy restaurants and bars open until dawn, and a salsa lesson to learn some dance steps that we can already show off this evening. Ready to celebrate with the locals? Of course we are!

Rosario Island

For our second day in Cartagena we thought of something special. We will no doubt have admired the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea since our flight from Medellin landed. Well, today is the day we can finally hit the open sea with a full-day boat trip to the beautiful Rosario Islands . We can load the boat with drinks and snacks and then set off to discover the 27 islands fringed with palm trees and white sand that make up this splendid archipelago. We can swim and snorkel, and since the whole area is a National Park, the marine life is spectacular. What a day!

Accommodation: Sofitel Legend Santa Clara, Osh Hotel Getsemani similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast, guided tour of Getsemani and Salsa Class on day 6, boat excursion to the Rosario Islands with lunch on day 7

Not included: meals and drinks where not indicated

days 8, 9

Baru: two more days at sea

Just relax

We have to say goodbye to Cartagena but don't worry: the time to abandon the Caribbean has not yet come - on the contrary! We have two more days to enjoy the crystal clear waters of this sea, so ready to set off again, this time in the direction of Baru , which we reach by sea! Baru is an island-peninsula not far from Cartagena, connected to the mainland by a bridge, and will be our home for the next two days. We settle into the hotel, put on our swimsuits, and are ready to dive! There are many activities we can do: snorkeling, kayaking, water sports, SUP... or simply relax in the sun and work on your tan! We enjoy these last days of sea and sun before returning to Bogota.

Accommodation: Sofitel Baru Calablanca or similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast, transfer by sea to Baru

Not included: meals and drinks

day 10

Let's go back to Bogota

A day of travel

Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye to the Caribbean coast as we return to Cartagena and board our last domestic flight back to where it all began, Bogota. In the afternoon we will have time for a sightseeing tour. And what better way to see a city than from above? With a few euros you can go up by cable car to the summit of Cerro di Monserrate . The altitude is high and we will probably be breathless once we reach the top, but the view of the sprawling city in the middle of a deep valley will be truly thrilling. If you are not a fan of heights, then we can visit the most famous museum in Bogota, and one of the best in Latin America, the Gold Museum. Prepare to be dazzled! And as the sun sets on our final day, and on our Colombian adventure, we will spend this final evening making final memories with our new friends, thinking back to the experiences we shared as we raise a glass of Guaro. Thanks Colombia!

Accommodation: Bioxury or similar

Included: overnight stay with breakfast, internal flight from Cartagena to Bogota, all transfers

Money pot: any extra activities

Not included: meals and drinks

day 11

Goodbye Colombia

Check out and goodbye
Goodbye, and see you next WeRoad adventure!

Not included: airport transfer, meals and drinks

End of services. The itinerary may undergo some variations that differ from what is stated above. These variations may not be predictable nor depend on WeRoad’s will, i.e. climate conditions, national holidays, strikes, etc.

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